We spoke with six people on the day of our inspection and all were satisfied with the service they received at the practice. One person was particularly pleased with how the dentist had managed a 'complex' issue that they had. This person told us that they had been to a number of other practices before finding this one that they were happy with. We were told that treatment was well explained and the costs involved were made clear. People were protected in the event of an emergency because staff were trained and emergency medication was available if required. Staff had some knowledge of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults; however there was a lack of formal training which meant that there was a risk of staff not being up to date with latest guidance and best practice.
The procedures in place for the decontamination of dental instruments did not fully meet the requirements of the Health Technical Memorandum 01-05. This is the guidance that all dentists must follow to ensure that their practice minimises the risk of cross infection.
There were processes in place to monitor the quality and safety of the service provided and this included auditing the quality of radiographs. Checks took place to monitor the safety of the premises.