27 February 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We now saw that the management of infection control was of a good standard and that action that had been taken to improve the decontamination and sterilisation of dental instruments. This included the use of an appropriately equipped decontamination and sterilisation room and the appointment of a member of staff with appropriate experience to carry out the processes. An infection control audit had been undertaken.
We also saw that action had been taken in respect of the training and support of staff and that the provider was now compliant with this outcome. Staff had now had fire training and a fire drill had been undertaken. Appraisals were in the process of being undertaken with staff and they had received training in the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. A designated safeguarding lead for the practice had been appointed. A range of additional training courses had been attended by staff since our last inspection including resuscitation, restoration of broken teeth, record keeping and complaints.