During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made
People said and we saw records which demonstrated people were well informed of the options available to them. One person said they had a private dental insurance plan so there was no issue with the proposed cost of treatment. Another person said they had been fully involved in the choices about their treatment.
We observed people were welcomed warmly by all of the staff. We heard people being spoken to in a quiet and courteous manner. People spoke positively about their experiences of the reception staff and clinical staff. One person told us 'the hygienist is very good.'
The practice had appropriate drugs and equipment available in the event of a medical emergency. Staff received annual training on medical emergency procedures
We saw the practice had policies and procedures in place to safeguard children and adults. Staff were aware of the policies and where they could access information if they were concerned about someone's safety. Not all staff had attended safeguarding training.
People told us they were very happy with the standard of cleanliness at the practice. We noted regular audits of infection control had not taken place, as recommended in the Department of Health's guidance HTM01-05.