We spoke with a number of patients about their experiences of the practice and their feedback was very positive. One person commented; "I am a nervous patient and they are lovely here. They take their time, they're very calm and they talk through everything with me". Another person told us they felt the practice was "Excellent".
People told us they were able to access the service easily and they found it easy to book routine and emergency appointments.
People told us the dentists explained what they had found during examinations and what the treatment options were. They also told us they felt they had been given time and information to make an informed decision about their treatment.
People told us they had been given advice about dental hygiene and the prevention of tooth decay.
Patients told us they completed paperwork about their medical history when they first started using the service and periodically thereafter.
We spoke with a number of patients about the general appearance of the surgery and the cleanliness of the environment. People described the surgery as "Very nice" and "Excellent". People told us they felt the surgery was clean and well organised.