Ernevale House Dental practice is located in the town of Spalding. Five dentists and one hygienist work out of the practice. The practice is fully private and does not treat NHS patients. We did not get peoples' views directly from them about this service. However their experiences were captured through dental records, other information we received from the manager, and from other people they have contact with.
People's diversity, values and human rights were respected. There was a surgery available for those people who needed disabled access on the ground floor near the front door. People who were anxious about visiting the dentist were given extra time in appointments so the dentist could reassure them.
Records showed and the nurse told us how the dentist discussed treatment options and allowed people time to come to a decision.
Staff had received training in child safeguarding, however they were not aware of who to contact outside the practice should they have a concern. Training in safeguarding vulnerable adults was needed.
There were good recruitment policies in place. However these had not been followed and appropriate checks had not been made when a new member of staff had been employed.