24 July 2014
During a routine inspection
All of the patients we spoke with were generally happy with the dental treatment they received. One patient said 'the dentist told me exactly what I needed to know'. Another said 'I have a check-up every three months so that they can keep a check on my condition'. Patients told us they received advice about how to maintain good oral health.
Patients said they were involved in their treatment plans and their permission was sought before any treatment started. One said 'the dentist explained that I could have root canal treatment (RCT) again, but that I would be likely to have recurrent problems. I was given the options and I chose to have it [the tooth] extracted'. We saw patients had a treatment plan which they signed as consent to the treatment and costs.
Patients we spoke with told us the practice was always clean and tidy, one said 'the cleanliness very good. Staff all use masks and gloves and they have hand sanitizing gel in the hall for patients'. We found current infection control guidelines were followed to reduce the risk of infection.
Staff told us they were supported to carry out their roles. We saw from training records the staff received training specific to their job and received a regular appraisal.
The practice operated a complaints procedure. There had been four complaints which had been responded to in line with the practice's policy. We saw that patients had received a full written response, including an apology where necessary and options for resolution if appropriate.
At the time of our visit the provider did not have a registered manager at the location [Caledonia Dental Practice]. This was a breach of the provider's condition of registration. We discussed this breach with the practice manager. They told us they would be completing a registered manager's application as soon as the provider's area manager returned from leave.