During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made
We have reviewed the comprehensive action plan and additional evidence submitted by the provider and we have found that the service has met this standard.
We have reviewed the comprehensive action plan and additional evidence submitted by the provider and we have found that the service has met this standard.
We found the treatment rooms were clean, free from clutter with surfaces that could be cleaned and disinfected between patients. We were shown the decontamination room where equipment was cleaned and sterilised, which was well ordered and appropriate records were kept in relation to the decontamination process.
We looked at some of the dental products and treatment stock expiry dates within the treatment rooms and the practice stock room. We found there were three items which were out of date, these were unopened and clearly had not been used. The provider disposed of them immediately.
We found that although we did not observe a negative effect or impact on the patients who used the service there was a potential for infection control risks as some staff did not follow all the guidelines in place.
At the last inspection, we found that records were not always complete or accessible. At this inspection, we found that the provider had improved the quality of the records through a plan of actions such as training documents which were used with staff to develop competencies. The provider then audited and re-trained staff where necessary.
We saw that the one person complained about this provider on the NHS Choices website in March 2012. The provider explained that they could not register this patient under primary care trust rules.
We saw that people experienced care and treatment that met their needs and that the provider had implemented changes to practice to reflect best practice. We saw that the provider had a system in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies.
We observed that the premises were well-designed and clean. We found that the provider had a system in place to prevent cross-infection and that staff had an adequate understanding of safeguarding vulnerable adults and children. We saw that the provider took steps to monitor the quality of the service, which included collecting and acting on people's views.
We saw that documentation was not always fit for purpose. This included records relating to people's care and management of the service. The provider stored records securely but not all records were accessible.