The care provision was extra care. This meant that people lived in their own flat within the extra care complex and the staff provided the care and support that they needed. Our inspection was unannounced. On the day of our inspection 29 people received personal care packages from the service. Additional people received support that did not involve personal care provision for example, safe and well checks.
We spent time in the communal areas of the complex where we could observe staff interactions with people and met some of the people who used the service. During our inspection we spoke with 11 people who used the service, one relative, six staff, a visiting social care professional and the registered manager. Following our inspection, we spoke with four relatives by telephone. We also looked at comments made by relatives in recent review documentation. We did this so that we could get a picture of what it was like for the people who used the service and to find out their views on the service provided.
All of the people who used the service and their relatives we spoke with were very complimentary about the service and care provided. One person said, 'I have lived here for over 10 years. I have seen a number of changes in that time but still think it is very good here'. Another person told us, 'It is wonderful. We are very well looked after'. One relative told us, 'The service is second to none'. Another relative said, 'It is a brilliant place'. A visiting social care professional told us, 'I come in here regularly and observe. I have only seen positive things'.
The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, discussions with people who used the service, the staff supporting them, and by looking at records. If you wish to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. This is a summary of what we found:
Is the service safe?
The provider had a rolling training programme that covered core areas such as safeguarding vulnerable adults which incorporated the Mental Capacity Act. Staff we spoke with had some knowledge about the need to uphold people's rights. The registered manager told us that if they identified issues concerning possible harm or limitations being imposed on people they would speak with the relevant professionals in the local authority safeguarding team. This showed that systems were in place to prevent unnecessary restrictions being imposed on people. One relative told us, "I have no concerns at all, I am extremely happy with the standard of care". All people we asked told us they felt safe and that they had not seen anything of concern. One person said, 'None of that abuse business happens here. We are safe'.
We found that some systems were in place to maintain safety and reduce risks. We saw that equipment had been secured to meet the individual independence and safety needs of people who used the service. We also saw certificates to confirm that the firefighting appliances were serviced regularly to ensure that they were safe to use and fit for purpose.
We found that systems were in place to manage day to day risks and to promote safety. This included the monitoring of falls. We found that where staff had identified concerns regarding risks associated with people's health and welfare they had been referred to appropriate agencies.
Recruitment processes were in place which gave people who used the service assurance that only suitable staff had been employed.
We found that the provider had adequate processes and systems in place to meet the requirements of the law to ensure that the service was safe.
Is the service effective?
All of the people we spoke with confirmed that they were happy with their care and support. They told us that the service provided met their needs. One person said, 'I am very happy here'.
All staff we spoke with told us that they felt that the people who lived there were well cared for and were safe. One staff member said, 'The service we provide is very good. All people are well cared for'.
We found that systems were in place to ensure that people could select food and drink which was nutritious and varied. We saw that the meals provided were well presented attractive and in sufficient quantity. One person said, 'I enjoy the food'.
People had their needs assessed and staff knew how to support people in a caring and sensitive manner. The care records showed how they wanted to be supported and people told us they could choose how this support was provided.
Staff received on-going support from senior staff to ensure they carried out their role effectively. All staff we spoke with told us that they felt supported. One staff member said, 'All seniors and the manager are very good. We all feel supported'.
Arrangements were in place to request heath, social and medical support to help keep people well.
We found that the provider had processes and systems in place to meet the requirements of the law to ensure that the service was effective.
Is the service caring?
We saw that care was provided with kindness and compassion. People told us that they could make choices about how they wanted to be supported, and that staff listened to what they had to say. All of the people we spoke with were extremely complimentary about the staff. They described them as being, 'Compassionate', 'Kind' and 'Caring'. One person who lived there said, 'The staff are all so wonderful'.
We spent some time in communal areas observing interactions between staff and the people who lived there. We saw that staff showed people respect and promoted their dignity. We also saw that staff showed patience when supporting people.
The staff knew the care and support needs of people well enough to ensure individual personal care was provided.
We found that the provider had adequate processes and systems in place to meet the requirements of the law to ensure that the service was caring.
Is the service responsive?
We found that meetings were held regularly so that the people who used the service had the opportunity to raise any issues. This showed that the provider was willing to listen to the views of the people who lived there to improve the overall service provision.
We found that the provider had taken note of the findings from our previous inspection and had taken action to address issues for example, sustaining the improvement of medication management systems.
The people who used the service were supported to take part in recreational activities within the complex and the community which were organised in line with their preferences.
When people became unwell the staff noticed this and secured appropriate medical input.
We found that the provider had adequate processes and systems in place to meet the requirements of the law to ensure that the service was responsive.
Is the service well led?
There was a registered manager at the service who was aware of their legal responsibilities.
The staff were confident they could raise any concern about poor practice at the service and these would be addressed to ensure people were protected from harm.
Plans and systems were in place to ensure people knew how to act in the event of any emergency to keep people safe.
The staffing was organised to ensure people's needs were met and support was available for any appointments and activities.
We found that the provider had adequate processes and systems in place to meet the requirements of the law to ensure that the service was well led.