- Dentist
Archived: Fox and Goose Dental Centre
All Inspections
27 June 2012
During a routine inspection
During the inspection we saw that people's privacy and dignity was not fully respected at all times during treatment.
We found that people received the care and treatment they needed. We saw that records detailed the treatments people received. People told us that they would be seen quickly in an emergency. One person told us 'They will see you in an emergency. I have never needed to use the surgery for emergency, but I understand they keep vacant appointments if you are in pain.'
We found that the provider did not have procedures in place to ensure that vulnerable people were safeguarded from abuse.
Although people we spoke with had no concerns about the cleanliness of the practice. We found that people did not receive care and treatment in an environment that was managed so as to reduce the risks of infections.
There were no procedures in place to show that staff were safely recruited to work with people.
We found that the correct procedures were not in place to ensure staff were fully supported in their role.
We saw that the provider did not have systems in place to monitor the service to ensure that people received a quality service.