During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made
In February 2013, the provider was able to demonstrate that they had taken steps to address the identified shortfall.
In February 2013, the provider was able to demonstrate that they had taken steps to address the identified shortfall.
The premises were clean and well maintained. Systems were in place to promote effective management of cross infection overall. However, we found that some facilities in relation to hand washing did not meet current guidance requirements.
People received care and treatment from staff who had received training that was appropriate and relevant to their role and responsibilities. People told us they found staff to be 'friendly and helpful'. One person using the service said, 'They all seem to know what they are talking about. If I have any problems, I can ring up. They give me clear information on what to do, they can always help.'
People who use the service, their representatives and staff were asked for their views about their care and treatment and these were acted on.