12 March 2013
During a routine inspection
Patients told us they were asked about their medical history and we saw that people were given advice and information about lifestyle choices that may be affecting their oral health. The surgery had planned for foreseeable emergencies and staff told us that they had received training for dealing with medical emergencies.
The patients spoken with told us they were very happy with the care and treatment they received. One patient said, "they have been superb" and another said, "it's excellent, they treat me like a VIP"
The practice was clean at the time of our visit and the patients we spoke with said that the service was always clean when they attended an appointment.
Staff received ongoing training and support to ensure they were able to meet patient's needs effectively
The practice had a complaints management system in place and information about how to make a complaint was displayed in the reception area. There was also a suggestion box for patients to make comments.