5 February 2013
During a routine inspection
Everyone confirmed that they had been involved in making decisions about their dental care and treatment options. They said they were given clear information that enabled them to make informed decisions. People told us that staff always explained procedures to them. One person told us, 'Information was detailed and thorough. I felt fully involved and consulted'.
People said that they had been happy with the outcomes of their treatment. One person commented, 'They did a good job, I'm very happy with the outcome'. Everyone told us that their privacy and dignity was always maintained. We saw that staff were friendly, supportive and welcoming.
Staff told us they were well supported in their work. They told us they had regular training opportunities and effective support in order to carry out their jobs effectively.
We saw that the practice had procedures in place for the management of infection control. Staff had received training to reduce the risk of cross infection. People told us they were confident that good standards of cleanliness were maintained.
We saw the complaints procedure. People we spoke with were not aware of the formal complaints process but said that they would be confident to speak with staff if they had a worry or concern. Information was available should people want to make a complaint.