The people who used the service told us they were satisfied with the quality of service they received. People said they were asked about their medical history and about any dental problems. People told us treatment options were explained and they made the decision as to the treatment that best suited them. One person told us "The dentist always tells me what he has found and the treatment needed".People were mostly able to get appointments quickly and at the time that suited them. People told us information leaflets were displayed in the waiting area, which included the complaints procedure and information about the various treatments available.Staff were able to demonstrate a good knowledge of how to safeguard people. They could describe signs and indicators of abuse and were able to explain reporting procedures.
Staff were able to demonstrate a good knowledge of how to implement effective infection control procedures in the practice.
The practice was able to demonstrate that there were sufficient numbers of staff with the right competencies, knowledge, qualifications, skills and experience to meet the needs of the people who used the services.