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  • Homecare service

London Care - Brighton

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Unit E13, Knoll Business Centre 325-327, Old Shoreham Road, Hove, BN3 7GS

Provided and run by:
London Care Limited

Report from 26 September 2024 assessment


  • Overall

    Requires improvement

  • Safe

    Requires improvement

  • Effective

    Requires improvement

  • Caring

    Requires improvement

  • Responsive

    Requires improvement

  • Well-led

    Requires improvement

Our view of the service

Date of assessment 2 October to 18 November 2024. The service is a care at home service providing support to adults of all ages living with dementia, a physical disability or sensory impairment. We found 5 breaches of regulations relating to safe care and treatment; safeguarding; dignity and respect; good governance and staffing. People were not always safeguarded against risk of avoidable harm. Staff and leaders had not always recognised incidents or safeguarding concerns. Medicines had not always been managed safely. The provider did not demonstrate lessons learnt or reduced risks to people. Where risks were identified to people's health and wellbeing, assessments had not consistently been completed to detail support needs or when to seek further professional advice. The culture of the service was not always open and positive. People were not always treated with kindness and respect. People raised concerns about some staff’s behaviour and lacking basic skills. Leaders did not always handle complaints in line with the provider’s policy. They had not adequately supported or monitored staff in their roles when things went wrong. The provider was working with the local authority to address concerns raised by professionals and people. They had an action plan in place. The provider told us they had not completed audits at a provider level as it was their policy to do this after 8 months. They were not aware of the shortfalls found during assessment. This meant the action plan and existing governance systems were not robust in identifying or effective in addressing areas for improvement. The provider has been receptive to feedback and provided us with an action plan to make improvements. However, this will take time to embed.

People's experience of this service

People told us they had not always felt safe with staff and some relatives had concerns for the safety of their loved ones. They told us they had raised numerous concerns about late calls, poor medicine support, incidents, conduct of staff and how staff lacked basic skills and knowledge to deliver safe care. People told us they had seen very little improvement to their care. People did not always feel that staff knew them well. One person said they would recommend this service to their loved ones. However, the rest were concerned about the lack of leadership, professionalism and quality of the service. Some comments included, “Definitely not. The agency is very unprofessional and insensitive to both people who receive the support and their relatives”, “No I would not. You have no idea who is turning up and when”, and “No I don’t think so. They charge too much for too little support from carers who are not skilled enough to do the basics.”