People using the service told us they were fully informed regarding their treatment so they understood the choices available to them. We spoke with one person who praised the service for the professional and caring way in which the dentist explained the different options available. The person told us, 'They are so informative. They talk to me every step of the way so I know what is going on. They are brilliant'. The nine patients we spoke with gave positive feedback. One of them said, 'I was in pain for two years and tried four other dentists until I found Dr Talhi. Now I have no pain and don't worry about going to the dentist. As far as I am concerned they are the best of the best'.
The practice had appropriate procedures with respect to safeguarding vulnerable adults and young people.
We found people were cared for in a clean, hygienic environment and the surgery was designed to help prevent cross infection.
The continuing professional development of staff had not been monitored by the provider. This meant the provider could not ensure that staff were properly supported to provide care and treatment to people who used the service.
The provider did not have an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of the service that people received. This meant the provider could not ensure people using the service were protected against the risks of inappropriate or unsafe care or treatment.