29 January 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
' Care and welfare of people who use the service
' Cleanliness and infection control
The provider was required to provide a report that stated what action they were going to take to achieve compliance with these essential standards. The provider submitted an action plan on 29 June 2012. The purpose of the inspection was to check that the necessary improvements had been made to ensure compliance with the essential standards.
We found that the practice had emergency equipment available that was kept in a central place and was accessible to all staff. The equipment was fully operational and contained all the required elements and medicines.
Since our inspection we found that the practice had introduced quarterly infection control audits. The practice had implemented records to evidence that cleaning routines were completed.
In order to prevent the spread of infection all floors were sealed and dental chair mechanics were boxed. In one of the surgeries we viewed, we noted some areas that required further attention and these were highlighted with the practice manager.
We found that the appropriate action had been taken to ensure that the provider was now meeting the two outstanding outcomes of the 'Essential Standards of Quality and Safety'.