During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made
We reviewed the infection control audit dated June 2013 and found that all the necessary recommendations had been followed.
We reviewed the infection control audit dated June 2013 and found that all the necessary recommendations had been followed.
We found that people were involved in their care and treatment and care was assessed and planned according to individual needs. The environment was clean and staff had access to handwashing facilities and gloves, aprons and goggles. People told us that the surgery was 'always clean.'
Staff felt supported by the dentists. However we were concerned about staff's knowledge regarding safeguarding vulnerable adults and children. We did not find any policy or any training records relating to safeguarding.
There was evidence that people's views were collected and acted upon. However we were concerned that there were no regular clinical audits and the only audit we found was done in 2009 and highlighted some areas that needed improving.