24 February 2014
During a routine inspection
We saw patients received sufficient information to help them make informed choices regarding their care and treatment. We saw a copy of the practice brochure made available for patients use in the waiting room.
We spoke with one patient arriving at the practice. They told us, the staff treated them with respect and supported them in a way that respected their privacy and dignity. They described the staff as, "very good".
Patients told us they were aware that they were an NHS patient and they had discussed with the dentist if there were any costs involved.
We found there was suitable access for people with mobility difficulties and we saw noted on relevant patients' files if they required support.
We found the practice to be clean and well maintained. We saw staff wore personal protective equipment and appropriate clothing to ensure they adhered to the code of practice for infection control.
We saw staff had received training and supervision to ensure they were suitably trained for the relevant roles with in the practice.
We found systems in place to monitor the quality of the service delivered by the practice to ensure it was well managed and safe.