- Dentist
Clapham South Dental
All Inspections
25 October 2013
During a routine inspection
People told us and we saw that staff treated them with dignity and respect.
They were given the information and time they needed to decide if this was the treatment they wanted and the practice they wished to provide it.
The procedure for consultation and treatment was fully explained including the fees charged.
People were told about any risks that might arise from the treatment chosen and had received consultations and treatment in a way that maintained their privacy.
They did not comment on the practice infection control system, complaints procedure or number of staff available to meet their treatment needs.
They did tell us they thought the practice was kept clean, tidy and felt safe using the service.
We found that the practice gave suitable information so that people could make an informed decision if they wished to proceed with the treatment recommended.
Records were kept up to date and a robust complaints procedure was followed.
There were adequate numbers of suitably qualified staff to meet people's needs.