This inspection took place on 27 May 2016, 7 June 2016 and 8 June 2016. This was the first inspection of the service since it was registered with the care quality commission on 29 April 2015.Keelboat Lodge provides an on-site domiciliary care and support service to people who are tenants within Keelboat Lodge extra care scheme. The scheme can accommodate up to 71 people, at the time of our inspection there were 58 people receiving a care service.
The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Some risk assessments were general and did not record the specific measures required to keep people safe.
Most people’s medicines administration records (MARs) were accurate. However, one person was not receiving there prescribed medicines at the time they were due. The provider was taking action to change the person’s calls to change this situation. Regular medicines audits were carried out.
Recruitment practices did not reflect the provider’s policy as the registered manager told us new care workers could start employment following appropriate DBS checks and receipt of one reference. Confirmation of acceptable recruitment checks was not available in staff files.
People told us they received good care from kind and considerate care workers. One person commented, “Excellent, they are perfect, they give you a hand. It is the best move I have made. They do a good job. I’ll not be moving again.” Another person told us, “It is good, I would recommend it to anyone. I can’t find fault with it.” A third person said, “It is the best move I have ever made. I can get outside now.” They also confirmed care workers treated them with dignity and respect.
People and care workers told us the service was a safe place to live. One person told us, “It is very safe in here.”
Care workers understood their role in safeguarding and whistle blowing, including how to report concerns. Care workers told us they did not have any concerns but would report things if required. One care worker commented, “The manager would get it sorted straightaway. We would be encouraged [to raise concerns].” Safeguarding concerns had been referred to the local authority safeguarding team in line with the provider’s agreed procedure.
People and care workers said there were a sufficient number of care workers on duty. People confirmed care workers responded quickly to their requests for help and stayed for the full length of their agreed call.
There were emergency procedures and personal evacuation plans to help keep people safe in an emergency. Incidents and accidents were logged and action taken to help prevent further falls.
Care workers were well supported and received the training they needed for their caring role. One care worker told us they were “very supported”.
Although care workers had not completed specific training on the Mental Capacity Act (MCA), they still demonstrated a good understanding of MCA. Where best interest decisions had made been on behalf of people, care records did not contain a record of a capacity assessment and who had been involved in making the decisions. We have made a recommendation about this.
People were supported with their nutritional needs in line with their assessed needs. We observed people were supported to visit the restaurant at their request.
Care records showed people had input from a range of health professionals, such as GPs and community nurses.
People’s needs had been assessed to gather information about their support needs and how they wanted their support providing. This information was used as the basis for developing people’s support plans. Support plans had been reviewed, although the record of the review was brief.
People told us they were involved in developing their support plans. One person said, “I have a care plan. Me and [my relative] were asked about everything.”
Regular ‘resident’s meetings’ took place so people had a way of providing feedback about their support and the service.
People were aware of how to complain. However, nobody we spoke with had any concerns about their support. Previous complaints had been dealt with in line with the provider’s complaints procedure.
People and care workers describe the registered manager as approachable. One person told us, “[Registered manager] is a lovely person, very helpful and definitely approachable.”
Quality assurance checks were carried out to help ensure people received a good standard of care. Where issues had been identified we saw action had been taken to reduce the chance of the situation happening again.
Care workers had opportunities to give their views about the service, such as regular staff meetings.
There had been two external audits of the service where recommendations for further improvement had been made. Progress had been made to implement these improvements.