19 June 2014
During a routine inspection
Patients spoke positively about the service. One person said 'the dentist is brilliant, he takes your fear away and works to put you at ease.' Another person said 'I feel very confident with the dentist, which is something I have never had before. I know he will come up with the best options for me.'
Patients told us they were involved with their treatment plans and permission was always sought before any treatment commenced. We looked at five treatment plans and found detailed clinical records of assessments completed and what treatment options had been discussed. The provider did not fully demonstrate their understanding and responsibilities regarding consent and vulnerable patients.
The provider worked cooperatively with others for the benefit of patients. Referrals to specialist consultants or for hospital treatments were sent promptly. All patients received a copy of their referral letters sent to others. Staff said this enabled patients to be fully informed and involved with the referral process.
The provider had systems in place which ensured the correct medicines were available to respond to medical emergencies. Staff had appropriate training to deal with medical emergencies. All staff knew where the emergency medicines and resuscitation equipment could be located on the premises.
The provider had systems in place to ensure the premises were well maintained and safe for patients. The provider showed us contracts which ensured essential services and equipment were kept in good working order
The provider had appropriate systems to receive, respond to and monitor complaints. The patients we spoke with were complimentary about the care and treatment they received. Patients said they would not hesitate to raise a complaint with any staff if they had any cause to. Patients told us they felt confident they would be listened to and responded to appropriately.