15 April 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Following that inspection we asked the provider to send us an action plan detailing how they would make the necessary improvements. The provider sent us an action plan which stated that the service would be meet required standards by 31 March 2014. We carried out an inspection on 15 April 2014 to confirm that the provider had made the improvements described in their action plan.
We spoke with the dentist, a dental nurse and a receptionist. We also spoke with a person who had been treated on the day of our inspection. The person who used the service told us they had been 'very happy' with their treatment. We found that the provider had taken effective action.
Staff had received training in relation to safeguarding and the Mental Capacity Act. We observed effective infection control practices were in place and the provider had put a range of policies in place to support good practice. They had also introduced a more formal patient feedback mechanism.
Overall, we found that the provider was now meeting the required standards in the areas of safeguarding, infection control and quality assurance.