On the day of our visit we met with Mr Lewis and another of the dentist partners. We spoke with four patients and three members of staff.Patients were given options and had opportunities to influence their care and treatment. A patient we spoke with told us 'I was given an option to save a tooth instead of having it out. I chose to save it. The outcome has been that I've kept the tooth".
Patients received treatment that was planned and documented. A patient we spoke with told us "even if it's a crown I get a letter telling me what it is and telling me how much it will cost". Treatment plans were held in patient records.
The practice did not have a system in place to deal with medical emergencies that met current professional standards. There was no automated external defibrillator available.
The risk of infection and possible spread of infection had not been minimised. Up to date guidance had not been followed in full. For example, separate cleaning equipment for toilets and clinical rooms was not available.
Staff received training and support appropriate to their roles and responsibilities.
The provider had systems in place to seek and act upon patient views. There were effective policies and procedures in place to maintain services in the event of an emergency. For example, a failure of electricity supply.