Three people we spoke with told us they were treated with respect. They said their treatments were explained to them so they had been able to make an informed decision about dental care and treatment. Where people had to contribute to the cost of the treatment they confirmed the costs had been explained. We looked at a four people's treatment records. These showed us what treatment people had received, the cost of their treatment and that people had signed the records to confirm they understood their treatment costs.
Three people, who used the practice, told us they could get appointments when they needed them and the practice would fit them in at short notice if they required an emergency appointment. They told us they had received a 'good' service and one commented they felt 'comfortable here'. The response to the annual questionnaire completed in June 2012 showed 92% stated the treatment they had received as good to excellent and 88% rated their overall experience as good to excellent.
However although we were told by three people the surgery was always clean and the response to the annual questionnaire completed in June 2012 showed when asked how clean you would rate the surgery and practice as a whole 92% stated it was either good or excellent. We found that improvements needed to be made to ensure the prevention, detection and control of the spread of a health care associated infection.