14 October 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
The provider had implemented changes to make improvements and we found effective systems were now in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection.
The provider had implemented changes to make improvements and we found effective systems were now in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection.
During this inspection we found the provider had appointed a new cleaning contractor. Cleaning schedules were in place for all areas and monitored daily. An infection control audit had been carried out and a re-audit was planned. Despite the improvements we identified some actions had not been completed and further concerns in relation to the control and risk of infection were identified.
We looked at six patients' records which were up to date and contained patients' treatment plans and medical histories. Staff told us they were well supported and we saw evidence that appropriate training and development had been offered and undertaken by most staff.
There was a moderate risk of cross infection due to the practice not following some department of health guidance and procedures and relevant checks not being undertaken and recorded.