30 October 2013
During a routine inspection
Every person we spoke with had positive experiences of the procedures that were carried out. People were also positive in their views about the way they were assisted to make a decision about whether to have a procedure, or not.
People were properly supported and were provided with suitable information to assist them to make an informed decision about having treatment at the clinic.
Examples of comments people made included, 'it has been really informative. They explained options, they gave me all the details I needed', 'I have found them brilliant', 'there have been no problems at all from start to finish', 'they have been very good and I have found no problems at all', and 'everything was explained really clearly and I'm planning to go ahead with the procedure".
People received support and treatment from staff who were suitably qualified to provide them with an effective treatment and support through their particular procedure.
The quality of the treatment and overall experience people had at the clinic were checked and monitored. When improvements were identified action was carried out to ensure that they were addressed.