Thornton Lodge Residential Care Home supports people with mental health needs. It is registered to provide care and accommodation for up to 36 people. The home has an accessible garden area, a range of communal rooms and a dining area. Bedrooms are available over two floors which are accessible via stairs or a lift. At the time of the inspection visit there were 35 people residing at the home.At the last inspection, the service was rated as Good. At this inspection visit carried out in January 2018 we found the service remained Good. We found the registered provider continued to provide a very good standard of care to people who lived at the home.
Relatives and professionals we spoke with told us the service provided exceptional care. They told us people’s health needs were met and people experienced positive health outcomes. We saw evidence of holistic care being delivered. Holistic care promotes people’s physical and mental health. A registered mental health nurse was employed at the home to ensure good practice guidelines were implemented and suitable standards of care were sustained.
The registered provider had introduced health initiatives at the home to support people to have healthier lives. This included projects around diet and nutrition. People told us this had made a difference to their quality of life.
Since the last inspection, the registered provider had commenced a refurbishment programme at the home to make the home more inviting for people who lived there. This had including working with people who lived at the home to re-design the garden space to make it welcoming and interesting for people to use. We spoke with the gardener employed to make the changes. They told us the garden had made a difference to the quality of life of people who lived at the home.
We saw evidence of multi-agency working to promote effective care. Professionals praised the skills and knowledge of staff who worked at the home. They told us the home was good at meeting the needs of people with complex needs. Staff told us they were very well supported in their job and were encouraged to progress with self-development.
People, relatives and professionals spoke highly about the positive characteristics of staff. They told us that staff who worked at the home were kind and caring. We observed people being offered emotional support in a sensitive and timely manner. Privacy and dignity was routinely considered by staff. Visitors told us they were welcomed at the home at all times.
We received consistent positive feedback about the quality of food provided at the home. People were offered choices to meet their preferences and dietary needs. Drinks and snacks were accessible at all times.
People we spoke with told us they felt safe living at the home. Professionals told us staff had the appropriate skills to keep people safe. Systems were in place to safeguard people from abuse. Risks were assessed and safety of people was monitored by staff on an ongoing basis.
We reviewed accidents and incidents that had occurred at the home. We saw the registered provider was proactive and transparent when things went wrong and reflected upon the incidents so improvements could be made and lessons could be learned.
People who lived at the home, relatives and professionals praised the staffing levels at the home. They told us there were enough staff on duty to meet individual needs. Staffing levels allowed people who lived at the home to feel safe and pursue activities of their choosing.
There was an emphasis upon encouraging people who lived at the home to have active lives. Friendships and relationships were developed and nurtured both within the home and in the community. In 2017, the service had won awards for their efforts in a Community Initiative.
People were happy with processes for managing their medicines. We reviewed medicines administration and documentation and found this to be safe.
The home was clean, tidy and maintained. People who lived at the home told us they were happy with the standard of cleanliness. We saw the housekeeper had good oversight of all infection, prevention and control processes at the home.
Staff retention was good. Staff had a good understanding of people’s needs. This allowed person centred care to be provided to people.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff support them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service support this practice. Consent to care and treatment was routinely sought.
The service had a complaints procedure which was made available to people and their relatives. The people we spoke with told us they were happy with the service and had no complaints. People were encouraged to discuss and raise any concerns through the resident’s meetings or on an individual basis.
People who lived at the home, relatives and staff told us the service was well led. Staff were aware of their roles and responsibilities and were supported by a proactive management team.
Staff told us Thornton Lodge Residential Care Home was a good place to work. They told us communication was good and described the managers as caring and approachable.
Staff had a clear vision and demonstrated commitment towards delivering high quality care. Staff spoke proudly of the services achievements and the morale within the home. People who lived at the home were encouraged to have a say in how the home was managed.
The management team had implemented a range of assurance systems to monitor quality and effectiveness of the service provided. We saw audits were routinely carried out and action was taken when concerns were identified. The registered manager was proactive in ensuring continuous development at the home. This was achieved through multi-agency working, self-development and referring to good practice guidelines which were embedded into practice.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.