The service gained a person's consent prior to care and treatment commencing. We saw signed treatment plans which included a statement to show that the person gave their consent. We looked at the treatment records of five people who used the service. Each record included signed treatment plans and a log of which teeth had received treatment. We saw that most people had a completed medical history form on their record.
We found that there were improvements required in relation to safeguarding people who used the service from abuse.
The service had an effective system in place in regards to cleanliness and infection control. We saw that this included a policy, cleaning checklists and staff were aware of their responsibilities in relation to minimising the risk of transferring blood borne infection.
We found that the service had not taken the appropriate steps to ensure the safety of people who used the service, and others who may be at risk, in relation to fire safety.
There was a complaints policy and procedure in place. Staff we spoke with told us that there had been no complaints but they were aware of how to support a person if they needed to make a complaint.