18 October 2012
During a routine inspection
Another patient described the surgery as 'absolutely fantastic, no problems at all'. They described the team as 'thorough' and 'taking care of the details'. They explained how the dentist 'talked through pros and cons and options'. The dentist was described as 'high tech' which was an 'attribute'.
All the staff we spoke with were very positive about the surgery and the support they received. One person said 'It's a lovely practice to work in. I feel I can stay here until I retire.' Another said 'It's brilliant, spot on.'
A member of staff described the dentist positively as 'very fussy' regarding the decontamination of instruments. Another member of staff described the dentist as 'very, very particular' and 'hot on cross infection'.
Within two working days of our inspection we received a completed copy of a decontamination audit and evidence of action taken in response to the outcome. We also received a copy of the surgery's patient record management policy. An action plan, with a prompt time scale for completion, was also produced to address areas in need of improvement.