• Care Home
  • Care home

Bank House Care Home

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Brandleshome Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 1DJ (0161) 764 4358

Provided and run by:
Crystal House Platinum Limited

Important: We are carrying out a review of quality at Bank House Care Home. We will publish a report when our review is complete. Find out more about our inspection reports.

Report from 1 March 2024 assessment

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Updated 1 August 2024

We received positive feedback about the care provided from relatives and people living at the home. Staff were described as kind and caring and treated people well. We observed plenty of caring observations between staff and people living at the home.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Kindness, compassion and dignity

Score: 3

Everyone we we spoke with felt they were treated with respect and supported well by staff in meeting their needs. People looked well presented, clean and tidy, dressed in their own clothes which they had brought into the care home. People said they were able to choose what to wear and how they spent their time each day. People’s relatives said the appointment of the activities person helped stimulate them and enabled them to become more active and feel more positive.

Staff had a good understanding about how to treat people with dignity, respect and promote their independence, giving them choice and control.

Recent local authority reviews had taken place which were positive. One professional said, “I have no concerns raised by people. The care is good and people are cared for well.” Another said, “When speaking to families/ friends, they advised they feel the staff do a good job at keeping residents safe and supported.”

We observed lots of kind and caring interactions between staff and people living at the home. Staff had time to sit and speak with people and share a joke at the same time. People were offered choices about how they would like to spend their day.

Treating people as individuals

Score: 3

People spoke positively about the new activity worker. Several people talked about activities/outings offered around their individual preferences. Others talked about how staff supported them with their appearance, which was important to them. One person said, “I help them set the tables each day it keeps me active and gives me something to do.” Another person said, “The girls have painted my nails which is nice, and I can get my hair done with the hairdresser.”

Staff had a good understanding about how to treat people with dignity, respect and promote their independence, giving them choice and control.

We observed lots of kind and caring interactions between staff and people living at the home. Staff had time to sit and speak with people and share a joke at the same time. People were offered choices about how they would like to spend their day.

There was personalised information within people’s care plans outlining their individual wishes and feelings, likes and dislikes. Training in care planning, record keeping and person-centred care was available, although some staff needed to complete this. Resident and relative meetings had been introduced providing them with an opportunity to share their views and ideas.

Independence, choice and control

Score: 3

Everyone said they were able to follow routines of their own choosing. Where able, people said staff respected their choice to remain as independent as possible. Those people were able to come and go freely as they chose. One person said, “I get myself up and dressed and showered I like to be independent.” People told us they were able to maintain relationships with family and friends with regular visitors to the home. One person also told us they had developed a friendship with someone they lived with. One person said, "My son comes each weekend anyone can come in to see me. I have made lots of friends.”

Staff had a good understanding about how to treat people with dignity, respect and promote their independence, giving them choice and control.

We observed lots of kind and caring interactions between staff and people living at the home. Staff had time to sit and speak with people and share a joke at the same time. People were offered choices about how they would like to spend their day.

Information about independence, choice and control was recorded within people’s care records.

Responding to people’s immediate needs

Score: 3

People told us staff knew them well and how to support them in meeting their needs. People felt there were enough staff available, and support was provided in a timely manner. People were confident and records showed additional advice and support was sought to ensure people’s needs were met.

Staff had a good understanding about how to treat people with dignity, respect and promote their independence, giving them choice and control.

We observed lots of kind and caring interactions between staff and people living at the home. Staff had time to sit and speak with people and share a joke at the same time. People were offered choices about how they would like to spend their day.

Workforce wellbeing and enablement

Score: 3

Staff told us they felt well supported by the management team. One member of staff said, "The manager is very supportive. Any issues and you can always speak to her. They are very good with any personal matters we have."

The service had polices and procedures in place regarding staff well-being which provided an overview of how different situations would be handled.