People who used the service told us they were happy with the way the service was run and the treatment they received. People told us that their treatment options, the costs and risks were discussed with them and this enabled them to make informed decisions about their treatment. We saw processes in place for managing the prevention and control of infection and evidence of effective systems in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection within the service. Instruments were bagged but staff told us and we saw that instruments used daily did not have dates which identified when sterilisation took place and a use by date.
We found evidence that staff had received regular supervisions and appraisals. The practice manager told us there was a robust recruitment process in place. However staff records were kept at another office and pre-employment checks were carried out for clinical staff but not for dental nursing and reception staff.
The people we spoke with were happy with the practice and did not have any concerns or issues about the care they received. We saw evidence that the practice had complaints policies and procedures in place.