At our previous announced comprehensive inspection of Vanbrugh Group Practice on 15 August 2017 the overall rating for the practice was good. The provider was rated as good for providing effective, caring, responsive and well-led services and requires improvement for providing safe services. The full comprehensive report of the inspection can be found by selecting the ‘all reports’ link for Vanbrugh Group Practice on our website at
This inspection was an announced focused inspection carried out on 13 February 2018 to confirm that the practice had carried out their plan to meet the legal requirements in relation to the breaches in regulations that we identified at our previous inspection. This report covers our findings in relation to those requirements and also additional improvements made since our last inspection.
At this inspection, carried out on 13 February 2018, we found that the provider had addressed all the issues identified at the previous inspection. The provider was now meeting the requirements of the regulations. Overall the practice is rated as Good.
Our key findings across all the areas we inspected were as follows:
- There was an open and transparent approach to safety and a system in place for reporting and recording significant events. The system now included the detailed identification and recording of all learning outcomes resulting from investigations carried out.
- The practice had systems in place to minimise risks to patient safety. These now included a comprehensive cold chain policy which included the action staff should take if fridge temperatures fell outside of the recommended range and the regular checking of emergency equipment and medicines.
- A process was in place to monitor that results were received for all cervical screening samples sent for testing. Inadequate sample rates were routinely monitored.
- A new process had been introduced to check that all patients referred under the two-week wait process received an appointment within the required timescale.
- The practice had addressed the issue of a large number of records awaiting coding by revising the criteria for coding to ensure it was now selective and by allocating additional administrative time to carry out the task.
- There was now a reliable process for checking uncollected repeat prescriptions. This process included a monthly check by the prescription clerk when uncollected prescriptions were passed to a GP for review and action taken where necessary.
- At the previous inspection we noted that patient satisfaction rates regarding the ease with which they were able to get through to the practice by telephone were below the CCG and national averages. Since the previous inspection the provider had installed a new telephone system and had employed two additional members of reception staff to help reduce the pressure at key times.
- At the previous inspection we saw that privacy of communication at the reception desk was limited due to the open-plan aspect of the reception and waiting area. Since the previous inspection the provider had rearranged the seating to ensure patients were not sitting close to the reception desk and had installed background music so that conversations at the desk were less audible.
- Staff reported that patients had been giving very positive feedback regarding the new telephone system and introduction of music in the waiting area.
Professor Steve Field CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP
Chief Inspector of General Practice