During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made
We were satisfied improvements had been made to protect patients' safety and welfare.
We were satisfied improvements had been made to protect patients' safety and welfare.
We observed staff were friendly, courteous and welcoming to patients. People had choice of appointment times and emergencies were given high priority.
Appropriate records were kept of people's treatment. People had signed to consent to treatment. The practice was equipped to deal with emergencies and staff had received training in basic life support.
There were robust infection control measures in place. Staff had been trained in disinfection and decontamination. Thorough procedures were used to sterilise equipment and work areas to control the spread of infection.
The premises were safe, suitably equipped and well maintained. Toilet facilities had been improved to provide better access for people with disabilities.
One person had been recruited since the practice registered under current legislation. The full range of required checks had not been carried out to verify the person was suitable to work with patients. Criminal Records Bureau checks had been carried out for all staff, as had professional registration checks with the General Dental Council.
Records were accurate and kept up to date. Confidential records were kept secure to prevent unauthorised access to sensitive information.