Staff reported that they would explain treatment options to people verbally as well as using dental models and information on the internet. There were also leaflets available on specific dental treatments which featured details on what they were and what procedures involved. We spoke with two people using the service who had family members or friends who also used the service. They told us that staff always explained treatments and they were always provided with alternatives. They said that the information on fees was clear, were positive about the way they were treated by staff and described them as "pleasant".Before people were first seen they were asked to complete a questionnaire which asked for relevant details about their health. The people that we spoke with confirmed that the dentist asked about their health and medical condition at each appointment. They were positive about the quality of care and treatment they received and one person rated it as "ten out of ten". There were arrangements in place to deal with foreseeable emergencies.
Appropriate infection control policies and procedures were not always in place and appropriate guidance was not always being followed. This meant that people were not always protected from the risk of infection.
Staff received appropriate professional development.
The provider had an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people receive.