The Dental Surgery, Totton, is owned and operated by one dental surgeon. We spoke with the dentist and the two dental nurses, as well as three people visiting for appointments during our inspection. After our visit, we spoke with two people by telephone and asked them about their experiences of care and treatment. Everyone said their dental care and treatment was explained in detail, and they were confident about the quality of dentistry provided. We heard comments such as: 'The dentist makes me feel relaxed; he is very understanding and reassuring'. Two people commented that they were always seen promptly in an emergency. One person told us that children were given advice about how to keep their teeth and gums healthy. People were informed of any treatment costs, and these were included in their records. The service had a dedicated decontamination room and effective procedures for cleaning equipment and the premises. People using the service commented that it was always clean.
From looking at records we found that staff were supported to maintain their professional skills. People who use the service commented on staff, stating for example: 'They are all very friendly and know us well' and 'The dentistry skills are good here'.
The service monitors the quality of service it provides, by reviewing practice and listening to feedback from people who use the service.