People’s Choice UK provides care and support for adults in their own homes, in and around the town of Bedford. On the day of our visit the service provided support for 12 people.
This inspection was announced and took place on 18 November 2015.
The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
People’s risk assessments were not comprehensive and failed to cover areas of potential harm to specific individuals. Risk assessments that were in place had not been regularly reviewed and failed to provide staff with sufficient information about the risks and control measures to reduce them.
Care plans lacked information about people’s specific needs regarding medication. They failed to provide staff with robust procedures regarding medication administration, and as a result, records were not always completed in full.
Staffing levels at the service were such that, at times, staff were late for people’s calls. The provider had identified this area of concern and was in the process of introducing procedures to address it.
People felt they had been involved in planning their own care, along with their family members, however care plans did not evidence this involvement.
The service had not carried out regular reviews of people’s care plans, to ensure they were reflective of people’s current needs and wishes.
People felt safe when receiving care from the service. They were protected from harm or abuse by staff who were knowledgeable about the signs of abuse, as well as procedures for reporting it.
Staff received regular training and support from the provider to ensure they had the required skills and knowledge to meet people’s needs. New staff benefitted from a comprehensive induction and all staff received on-going training and refresher sessions. Staff received regular supervisions to help them discuss their roles and performance and to support their development.
People were supported to prepare food and drink, if they needed help in this area. Staff ensured people had enough to eat and drink and left them with access to drinks and snacks between calls.
The service was able to support people to have access to healthcare professionals, should they require that support.
People were treated with kindness and compassion by staff. They saw regular staff members who had worked hard to develop positive and meaningful relationships with people and their families.
Throughout their care, people were treated with dignity and respect and staff were sensitive to their privacy and independence.
Feedback from people and their family members was welcomed by the service. Feedback which was provided was used to drive improvements to the service, and complaints were handled appropriately.
There was a positive and open culture at the service. Staff worked with the registered manager to ensure people received the care they needed and had a positive experience with the service.
The registered manager had worked to ensure their own ethos and values were evident throughout the service. They were committed to developing an effective service which met people’s needs.
Quality assurance systems were in place to identify areas for improvement and to help develop the service.
We identified that the provider was not meeting regulatory requirements and was in breach of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of the report.