During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made
We gathered evidence of people's experiences through telephoning three people following our visit.
People we spoke with said they were happy with the service they received and said they had recommended the practice to their family and friends. Comments we received about the service included, 'Could not speak better of them (the practice).'
People told us they would speak to the dentist if they were unhappy with anything. Information about how to make a complaint was available to people. We also saw people were able to make comments about the service.
People we spoke with said everything always looked clean and they were satisfied with the standards of cleanliness.
We saw suitable arrangements for control of infection and decontamination of instruments were in place. Staff were able to show us the decontamination process and described how the equipment was monitored to ensure it was working efficiently.
All the staff we met were professional in their manner and enthusiastic about their work. They told us they had regular informal meetings with the practice manager. They said they would like more training in resuscitation.
We saw there were systems in place to monitor the quality of the service provided by Dormer House practice.
Treatment records of people were not always completed with up to date information about people's health conditions.