- Dentist
Central Dental Care - Wembley
All Inspections
16 January 2014
During a routine inspection
Patients said they had received the care and treatment they needed. Records indicated that patients were carefully assessed and the dentists had explained treatment options to patients. Treatment was given with their agreement and written consent. Follow-up appointments had been made for patients who needed them. Staff had also been involved in projects and activities aimed at dental health promotion and disease prevention in the local community.
The practice had an appropriate recruitment policy and procedure. Essential checks had been carried out on staff. Staff had attended regular training and updates. The practice had a safeguarding policy and staff were aware of action to take when responding to allegations or incidents of abuse.
The premises were modern, clean and hygienic. Staff had received training regarding infection control and there were suitable arrangements for the decontamination of equipment and instruments used.
The practice had an effective and rigorous system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that patients received. Internal audits and checks had been carried out. The results of patient surveys indicated that patients were satisfied with staff and the quality of services provided.