- Dentist
Archived: Dr Timothy Haywood
All Inspections
21 January 2014
During a routine inspection
Patients were offered choice and the choices discussed were entered in their dental records. One of the patients we spoke with told us 'I am in the middle of having a crown fitted. I had the choice of which type of crown I wanted'. We saw the discussion on choice of crown was entered in the dental records.
Treatment was planned and delivered in a way to ensure patient's safety. The patients we spoke with told us their medical history was checked every time they attended. One patient said "even for a routine check-up". We saw entries in records confirming patient's medical history had been checked.
The provider had not fully reduced the risk of infection because not all current guidance had been followed. For example, a bin for clinical waste was not locked. Clinical waste could have been accessed by the general public.
Staff received professional training to support their clinical practice. However, formal systems to support staff were not in use. Staff did not receive an annual appraisal and the staff induction programme was not comprehensive.
There were some quality assurance systems in place. Clinical work was subject to audit, but the control of infection processes and procedures had not been audited in accordance with relevant Department of Health guidance.