29 January 2014
During a routine inspection
The procedure for consultation and treatment was fully explained including any fees charged both privately and for NHS treatment. People were also told about any risks that might arise from treatments chosen.
People felt treated with dignity, respect and had received consultations and treatment in a way that maintained their privacy.
They did not comment on the infection control systems. They did tell us they thought the practice was kept clean, tidy and they felt safe using the service.
They did not tell us about staffing numbers. They did say "Friendly and professional from the reception through to the orthodontist" and "They explain the reason for the treatment".
They were also aware of the complaints procedure and how to use it.
We saw there was enough information provided in different ways to enable people to understand the treatment being recommended, reason why it was needed and decide if they wanted it.
The records we saw were up to date, fully completed and showed people were receiving the treatment they required in a safe and hygienic environment.
The infection control and cross contamination systems were demonstrated to us. These followed national guidance.
There were enough staff on duty and on the rota to meet people's treatment and care needs.
We saw there was a complaints policy and procedure that was accessible to people using the service.