We spoke with one person who used the service and looked at feedback questionnaires that had been completed in February and March 2013. People felt that their treatment had been explained fully and were positive about their consultation with the dental surgeon. One person described them as "fantastic". People were given sufficient infomation to make decisions about their care and treatmentPeople's care and treated was planned and delivered in a way to ensure their safety by staff that had had the appropriate pre-employment checks. People were always examined by a dental surgeon. They were required to complete a medical history form and any medical conditions or allergies were highlighted on the provider's electronic records system.
There were systems in place to protect people from the risk of infection. Reusable instruments were decontaminated appropriately and people who use the service observed staff wearing personal protective equipment. However, no Legionella risk assessment or water testing had been undertaken, as required by national guidance.
There were systems in place to monitor the quality of service being provided. Feedback was collected from people who use the service and reviewed by the practice manager. Practice meetings took place monthly and any comments, complaints or incidents were discussed.