During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made
People told us they felt safe in the surgery and felt confident in reporting any issues of concern to any of the staff employed at the practice, although they said they would initially speak to their own dentist. Staff had received safeguarding training but we found a lack of written guidance for them to follow if there were any safeguarding concerns they witnessed.
One person told us: "I came here after my husband and grandson recommended them. The dentist always asks me if there are changes to my medication or health during each visit. They are very good, I wished I'd come here years ago."
We looked to see if the practice dealt with complaints appropriately and found they had a complaints procedure to follow. One person said: "I have been coming here for 25 years and had no problems. If I did I wouldn't come back."
We observed the small staff team speaking politely to people and being sensitive to their needs. For example, when people showed they were anxious about their visit, staff spent time and chatted with them in a friendly manner to help reduce the person's anxiety.