27 August 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
inspection we found the provider had in place two written references for each member of staff and therefore effective recruitment and selection processes were being followed.
inspection we found the provider had in place two written references for each member of staff and therefore effective recruitment and selection processes were being followed.
We saw testimonials from people, comments included, "my experience of DNA Dental has been fantastic" and "thank you so much for your expert service you have given me and my family for many years."
People said they had been given the information needed to make an informed choice about the treatment options available. One person said "it's the first time a dentist has explained my treatment so thoroughly." Another said "they explain everything."
People told us the dental practice was always clean and tidy and effective systems were in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection.
We viewed seven personnel files and found some recruitment checks were in place. However there was no evidence that written references had been requested for all staff before they commenced employment with the service. This meant that the provider could not demonstrate that appropriate recruitment checks were carried out to ensure that only suitable applicants were selected to work with people using the service.
The provider had an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people receive.