22 November 2013
During a routine inspection
Patients we spoke with told us their treatment was explained in a way they understood. They also told us that when it was appropriate they had been offered a choice of treatments. One patient said "I could have had a filling or a crown. I chose the filling first".
Treatment took account of patient safety and welfare. One patient told us "he [the dentist] always does the mouth cancer check. He is very thorough".
The risk of infection was minimised because current guidance was followed. We saw that decontamination of dental instruments was carried out in line with Department of Health recommended practice.
Staff received training relevant to their roles and duties. The practice held regular staff meetings to keep staff updated. A member of staff we spoke with told us "they [the staff meetings] bring up points that you may have become complacent about".
The practice had systems in place to seek and act on patient feedback and carried out audits to monitor clinical quality.