7 August 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
At this inspection we found some improvements. For example, at the last visit we saw sinks in the treatment rooms had plugs which meant water could not drain away easily. This meant there was a risk of cross infection from the dirty instruments to the plug. At this inspection we saw the plugs had been removed and the risk of infection minimised. However the practice still did not have sufficient audits in place to ensure they were aware of any shortfalls in their infection control procedures.
At the inspection we were able to speak with three patients. One patient had attended the practice for a number of years. They said they were very pleased with the service provided and the standard of cleanliness. Another patient said "it always seems clean and tidy here."
We were able to talk with one dentist and a dental nurse who told us the decontamination room would be refurbished by March 2015.