This inspection took place between 18 and 20 October and was unannounced on the first day. This was the first inspection since the provider took over responsibility for this service in November 2015. Sue Starkey House provides extra care and supported living services to people with a range of needs, including older people, people with mental health needs, learning disabilities and physical disabilities. At the time of our inspection 29 people were receiving support with personal care at this location. Sue Starkey House consists of 32 self-contained single flats and eight double flats over a five storey building. There is a large communal living and dining room, a shared kitchen and a computer room on the ground floor and a second floor library and darts room.
The service’s registration includes Shipton House, which is a smaller extra care service for older people, particularly people living with dementia. The building had been recently renovated, and consisted of 13 self-contained single flats with a living room, accessible kitchen and wet room. There was a small shared lounge and kitchen on the ground floor. The building adjoined a day centre, which was attended by several people who lived in the building.
The service had a registered manager, who was also area manager for the provider. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
The provider had measures in place to safeguard people who use the service and mitigate risks. Risk assessments were reviewed regularly and contained detailed risk management plans, including moving and handling guidelines and guidelines for addressing when people became upset or displayed aggressive behaviours. There were checks in place to keep premises safe, although the provider had found that some equipment was overdue for servicing and was taking measures to address this. There were processes for checking people’s safety and the safety of the building. When the service supported people to manage their money, the provider obtained detailed information on people’s support needs in this area, however there were not sufficient checks of people’s finance records to ensure that people were safeguarded from financial abuse or loss. There were systems of audit to ensure that people’s medicines were safely administered by staff who had had training and observations of their competency in this area.
Care plans contained detailed information about how best to support people, and people had appropriately consented to their plans. The provider carried out assessments of whether people were able to consent to their care plans and whether they may be at risk of being deprived of their liberty. We found some care plans had not been updated when people required less support, although the provider was working with the local authority to update these. Reviews of care plans were taking place regularly and in response to particular events. The provider compiled plans to meet the need of people living with dementia and provided life story work and reminiscence activities to stimulate people’s memories. Keyworking systems were being implemented for people, although these were not yet fully embedded in the service and although the service recognised and celebrated people’s achievements, goals were not always set in a way that was specific and measureable.
People were supported to maintain good health and nutrition through planning and monitoring, and where there were concerns about people’s health or when people were refusing support, the provider worked well with other agencies in order to address these issues.
Staff received good levels of training and supervision, including in key areas such as dignity and safeguarding. Staff were recruited in line with safer recruitment processes, but staff were sometimes stretched at evenings and weekends, and some people did not receive their agreed support hours in line with their plans. Where complaints were received, the provider had investigated and addressed these, and worked to ensure that people knew how to complain.
There was a varied activity plan which was implemented with input from people who used the service and external agencies including charities and volunteers. Volunteers had worked with people who used the service to design and build a dementia friendly garden at Shipton House. People were supported to speak up through tenants meetings and events forums, and individual activities sessions were carried out to ensure that activities met people’s needs.
We have made a recommendation about how the service carries out checks of equipment, pull cords and finances.