- Dentist
Redcar Family Dental Centre
All Inspections
12, 15 April 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with four people who used the service. People said that they were very happy with the service provided and that they saw the dentist on a regular basis. They told us the dentist always explained what they were doing, what they had found during the examination and what the treatment options were. One person told us, 'The Dentist always tells me what they are going to do.' They also said, 'Staff are very friendly and polite.'
We found that people had their privacy and dignity respected.
We found that care was delivered in a clean environment, however the practice did not yet meet all the required standards for decontamination of dental instruments in primary care dental practices.
The environment was safe and secure and systems were in place to ensure maintenance was carried out when required.
Staff had received appropriate training and were supported to carry out their roles.
The quality of the service was monitored and reviewed on a regular basis.