16 June 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Is the service safe?
The service was compliant with the provisions of The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and had acted to ensure people's rights were protected, taking account of the latest legal judgements and guidance. People using the service had complex needs associated with learning disabilities and were unable give appropriate consent to decisions about where they lived and their care and treatment. The provider consulted with others who knew the person to help determine how best to care for people safely. Staff demonstrated an awareness of working with appropriate consent, how to identify signs of possible abuse and how to report this to prevent or reduce harm.
Is the service effective?
The care plans were holistic and detailed and personalised. The service used detailed risk assessments to help reduce or prevent the risk of harm and staff were supported to understand people and how their situation and condition might affect them. Care and support for people was planned on a daily basis to ensure staff understood their role and carried out their duties effectively.
Is the service caring?
Staff were helped to build supportive relationships with people. We saw they treated people with respect and consideration. One member of staff told us, 'the person is visually impaired so they have to get used to new voices sometimes and we have to be aware of that."
Is the service responsive?
Care plans guided staff about what care and support to provide and how to monitor changes and health conditions specific to each person. We saw the home worked collaboratively with healthcare professionals to ensure people had access to preventative healthcare, such as opticians and chiropody and with nurses and GPs to ensure illness was detected and treated.
Is the service well led?
At the last inspection we found that the provider had not met certain standards and lacked effective systems for taking action. At this inspection we found there was improvement in all the standards we looked at. The service was in the process of confirming the registered manager however they had been working with the service and the senior managers of the provider organisation for six months. We found the care plans had all been updated and staff received regular supervision and support and there were opportunities for professional development. There was clear guidance for staff about how to care for people and how to maintain a safe environment. This meant that people were cared for by staff that were suitably qualified and supported. There were well organised records and systems which helped to ensure the service was monitored effectively.