Updated 7 November 2019
The Brook Surgery is a private doctor service located at The Lexington, 767 Finchley Road, London NW11 8DN in the Golders Green area of North London. The service is based in a new and purpose-built premise which is fully accessible to people who use a wheelchair or mobility aid.
Approximately 7,400 patients were seen in 2018 with almost half of the service’s patients also being registered with an NHS GP practice. The service offers GP appointments and home visits, healthcare management, child vaccinations, travel vaccine clinic, flu vaccine clinic, well woman clinic, cryotherapy and healthcare screening. Services are provided on a fee-paying basis and patients can choose from a range of charging options, including a membership scheme.
The service is owned by a company and employs eight doctors, four male and four female who work a variety of different work patterns. Two of the doctors are directors of the company and all eight doctors are on the GP register. There is also a business manager and three administrative staff. The provider also has an in-house dispensary and employs a dispensary technician to administer this aspect of the service.
Appointments are available from Monday to Friday between 8am and 7pm, and on Saturday between 9.30am and 12.30pm. The service also provides an out of hours emergency service between 7pm and 10:30pm on weekdays and between 8:30am and 10:30pm at weekends. Arrangements are in place with a different healthcare organisation to provide out of hours care between 10:30pm and 8am.
The service is registered with the CQC to provide the following regulated activities: diagnostic and screening procedures; family planning; maternity and midwifery; and treatment of disease, disorder and injury.
How we inspected this service
Before visiting, we reviewed a range of information we hold about the service and asked the provider to send us some information about the service which we also reviewed. During our visit we:
•Spoke with the staff who were present, including the lead doctor, the business manager, dispensary technician and members of the administration team.
•Reviewed documentary evidence relating to the service and inspected the facilities, equipment and security arrangements.
•Reviewed several patient records with the doctor. We needed to do this to understand how the service assessed and documented patients’ needs, consent and any treatment required.
•We spoke with patients attending the clinic on the day of the inspection and reviewed comment cards completed by patients attending the clinic in advance of the inspection. In total, 36 patients provided feedback.
To get to the heart of patients’ experiences of care and treatment, we always ask the following five questions:
•Is it safe?
•Is it effective?
•Is it caring?
•Is it responsive to people’s needs?
•Is it well-led?
These questions therefore formed the framework for the areas we looked at during the inspection.