5 February 2014
During a routine inspection
We arranged this inspection with the practice in advance to ensure that we had time to see and speak with staff, as well as people registered with the practice.
We carried out this inspection to check on the care and welfare of people using this service.
During the inspection we spoke with one dentist and three dental nurses. We reviewed four dental records, six staff files, some of the practice's policies and procedures and their quality audits.
Whilst at the inspection we spoke with eight people who were registered with this dental practice. People that used the practice told us that they received care and treatment that was planned and met their needs.
We saw that the consultation from each visit had been recorded on the electronic and the paper notes. We saw that any changes in a person's health needs had been taken into account when planning their treatment. People told us they received oral care advice and advice leaflets were available.
The practice had not used their recruitment procedure for many years as the staff had remained in post; however we saw that the necessary checks had been made prior to their employment. Most of the mandatory training for the staff was overdue; planning for their training was in progress. The practice had monitored their service for the quality of care and overall patient satisfaction but did not document their actions.